Swim Schedule
$96 per month for one lesson per week starting 1/1/2025
$25 per year for one child or $35 for the whole family
Safety First!
Register Now
Please use the new swimmer registration link below and complete the registration form. You can return to your customer record at anytime to update your information. Next, call or visit us at Choo Choo Diving & Aquatic Center and we will help you to determine the best placement for your swimmer at a class time convenient for you.
CALL: 423-899-1008
Email: swim@choochoodive.com
We accept most major credit cards except American Express for payment of registration and tuition. You will be asked to enter your card information on our secure server when you register. Your card will not be charged and there is no financial obligation until you complete class selection and come to your first class.
Swimmer placement is determined by previous experience and swimming ability. Our student to teacher ratio is 4:1, most beginner classes it is 2:1. Swimmers are assigned to a level and, where practical, the levels are organized by ability. If a swimmer is progressing rapidly, or performing above the expectations of their current level, they may be advanced to the next level. The available swimmer levels are:
Baby and Me
The Swim Schools International Baby & Me class is centered around gaining comfort in the water for the 6 month old to 35 month old child. The concepts of water safety and basic self rescue techniques are also introduced. Instead of parents sitting idly by while the class takes place, this is one-on-one time with parent and child, all under the direction and supervision of a certified SSI Baby & Me Swim Teacher.
Prerequisites: Child should be between the ages of 6 months and 35 months old Parent/Grandparent/Guardian must attend and participate in class.
Beginner 1
The most frequently asked question is “how long will it take my child to learn how to swim?”. There are as many answers as there are children and it depends very much on the individual. The most important concept to understand is that swimmers achieve levels of proficiency. Beginners will learn to respect, not fear the water, and to have fun but they should be supervised by a parent or guardian. Swimmers are placed based on age and experience. Call us and our staff will help you place your child in the right class.
Beginner 2
The Beginner II course is designed for swimmers with formal swim training. It further develops basic skills and challenges the student to prepare them with the skills needed to enter advanced training.
Must have completed Beginner I or the equivalent.
Advanced 1
This course prepares students to confidently swim the lengths of most community pools. The atmosphere of this class changes to a more mature and goal oriented focus with a pace to match. The focus shifts from “what to do”, to “how to do it correctly”.
Entry Swimming Skills:
Independent side breath and swim 12m (40 ft) with windmill arms.
Advanced 2
This level prepares students to swim the distances normally encountered in large municipal pools as well as open water environments like beaches and summer camps. The focus at this level is on speed and endurance. Advanced II swimmers “rule the pool”. They have the skills and tools to join swim teams and to play games like water polo. At this point they should have the desire to be lifelong swimmers who recognize the benefits of swimming as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Most adults come to us for three reasons. Many are concerned about their safety in the water. They may have had a bad experience as a child or never had the opportunity to learn in a comfortable environment. Others are concerned about their ability to help a child or another person in the event of an emergency. A large number of adults just want to be able to enjoy the water for exercise or adventures like snorkeling on a Caribbean cruise.
Our certified adult swim instructors are patient, encouraging professionals who are genuinely concerned about you as an individual and your personal swimming goals. You can be swimming before the end of your first lesson!
Consistency and structure with time for repetition and practice are the keys to creating great swimmers.
Prepare for Class
All swimmers should be equipped with approved goggles. They should fit comfortably, adjust easily and, most importantly, not leak. New swimmers who wear goggles are more willing to put their face in the water which accelerates the training process. Goggles also eliminate eye irritation and itching. Our staff can help you select the perfect pair.
Beginners who are less than 48 inches tall will be equipped with a progressive back float. The float provides security as swimmers develop the motor skills, coordination and strength to remain on the surface and swim without assistance.
Progressive back floats are designed so that panels can be removed as students improve their technique. Removing panels keeps the students challenged without feeling threatened or becoming overworked.
Swim diapers are required for all students who are not potty trained. Two layers of diapers are needed. A disposable swim diaper and approved reusable outer cover.
Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children ages 1 through 14. Most people don’t realize that drowning is a “silent” killer. They expect that someone who is drowning will yell for help. Instead they fight to save what breath they have and never utter a sound. When most pre-school kids drown, one or both parents are present. never take your eye’s off your children when they are in the water playing!
Swim Class Times
The Swim School s is located in Choo Choo Diving & Aquatic Center at 3739 Powers Court, Chattanooga, Tennessee. We offer Baby and Me (Infant Swim), Beginner, Advanced and Adult swim classes. Swim lessons are offered on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, and evenings. Classes meet at the same time, on the same day, each week. All scheduled classes are 30 minutes in length.
Swimmers can enroll in an open class at any time. You can start today!
To help us serve you better, please review the detailed information on Swimmer Levels for guidance on swim student placement. We maintain information in our computer database for swimmers who are returning for additional lessons.
Call us at 423-899-1008. We are looking forward to providing the best possible training experience!
Swim classes may be cancelled due to inclement weather. Cancellations occur when there is active lightning in our immediate area and occasionally due to snow or icing conditions.
Notices regarding class cancellation are posted by the swim staff, directly from the swim deck, as soon as information is available. We have a Facebook page, The Swim School @ Choo Choo Diving and Aquatic Center and Choo Choo Diving and Aquatic Center. The Swim staff will also try to give you a call or text if swim is cancelled. The Pro Shop staff can let you know when you call also. Just because it is bad weather at your house, it does not mean it is at our pool.